Gao Ming

The Glory and the Dream (2018)

The Glory and the Dream (2018)

阳光下的法庭 (2018)

阳光下的法庭 (2018)

啊,父老乡亲 (2017)

啊,父老乡亲 (2017)

少林寺传奇之东归英雄 (2017)

少林寺传奇之东归英雄 (2017)

Women Must be Stronger (2016)

Women Must be Stronger (2016)

The Next Station is Marriage (2015)

The Next Station is Marriage (2015)

In the Silence (2015)

In the Silence (2015)

The Dog Sticks (2013)

The Dog Sticks (2013)

Defend Army Soul (2011)

Defend Army Soul (2011)

雄关遗梦 (2005)

雄关遗梦 (2005)

中国刑警 (2003)

中国刑警 (2003)

书香门第 (2003)

书香门第 (2003)

Black Hole (2001)

Black Hole (2001)